gordon.dewis.ca - Random musings from Gordon


Happy New Year!

January 01, 2023 @ 00:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs

Though we’re entering the fourth year of the pandemic, I’m hopeful that maybe it’s going to become “just endemic”. Regardless, I would like to with everyone a happy, safe, and healthy 2023.

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2022 @ 00:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs, General

It’s the third Christmas during the pandemic. It’s also the first Christmas in three years which we were able to play handbells for in person!

We played three hymns with the organ and choir and a bells-only piece at the Christmas Eve service and I had to say it was great to be able to do so after such a long time.

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and stays safe and healthy during this holiday season.

Remembrance Day

November 11, 2022 @ 11:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs, General

We pause today to remember those who have served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may have peace, security and freedom.

To them and their families I say “Thank you”.

There will be snow. Lots of snow.

January 16, 2022 @ 22:07 By: gordon Category: Weather

It’s been a while since I blogged about anything of significance. The weather in Ottawa is going to be rather exciting over the next day or two.

TAF CYOW 170240Z 1703/1724 07010KT P6SM BKN140
FM170600 07012KT 1 1/2SM -SN OVC025
FM170800 06015KT 3/4SM -SN VV007
FM171300 06015G25KT 1/4SM +SN VV005 PROB40 1713/1716 1/8SM +SN
FM171600 01012KT 1SM -SN OVC008
FM172100 32012KT 2SM -SN OVC010

In simple terms, this TAF basically says that Ottawa is going to get snow. A lot of snow. Starting at about 01:00, or in about three hours’ time from now.

Looking at the various models, it looks like the peak is going to be between about 08:30 and 11:00, which is consistent with the bolded line above, which says that from 1300Z (08:00 Eastern) the wind will be 15 knots gusting to 25 knots from the east-northeast. The visibility is forecast to be about a quarter of a mile with a vertical viability of 500′ and heavy snow. And there’s a 40% probability between 1300Z and 1600Z (11:00 Eastern) that the visibility will drop to an eighth of a mile with heavy snow and blowing snow.

This model is predicting a 1-hour accumulation of 64.6 mm, or 6.5 cm, of snow at 9am Eastern.
This model measures precipitation in terms of rain, while snow is approximately 10 times as much. At 10am Eastern, it is predicting a 3-hour accumulation of 14.7 mm of rain, which is roughly 147 mm of snow or 14.7 cm of snow.

Happy New Year!

January 01, 2022 @ 00:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs, General

As we enter the third year of the COVID pandemic, I want to wish everyone a safe and healthy 2022. May we all see all our friends in person sooner rather than later.

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2021 @ 00:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs, General

So, another Christmas that’s trying to set yet more firsts that really don’t need to be set. I almost got to play handbells at an in-person Christmas Eve service, but when the omicron variant caused the numbers to start to blow up, that was cancelled. But, we were able to record a couple of pieces to be used in webcast services, so that’s something.

Anyways, I hope that everyone has a very merry Christmas and a safe, happy and healthy new year despite the scary times we’re continuing to live in.

Remembrance Day

November 11, 2021 @ 11:00 By: gordon Category: Current affairs, General

We pause today to remember those who have served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may have peace, security and freedom.

To them and their families I say “Thank you”.
