Andre Cornellier certainly makes it easy for reporters to file their stories about the negotiations between the City and ATU 279, doesn’t he, because there’s really just a handful of phrases and quotes they need to use when writing their stories?
Now you can write your own story in five easy steps!
First, you need a headline:
- Talks break off again between the city and striking transit union
- Union negotiators walk away from the table
- ATU 279 still on strike
- No progress in negotiations between the city and transit union
- Day ___: Still no deal (you’ll have to fill in the blank with the appropriate number)
Chose one of the following opening sentences:
- After returning to the bargaining table, talks between the City and Local 279 of the Amalgamated Transit Union have broken down once again.
- Once again, negotiators for Local 279 of the Amalgamated Transit Union walked away from the negotiating table.
- Bus riders are still stuck walking as the strike enters its _______th day in a row. (again, fill in the blank with the appropriate number)
Next, add a reason why the talks broke off:
- Union negotiators maintain that they have the right to determine their schedules.
- According to union officials the City’s latest offer is not substantially different from previous offers.
- City maintains it has the support of its citizens in pursuing its goals of reducing overtime and operating costs while improving safety.
Finally, you need some quotes. First, one from a random citizen of Ottawa:
- U. N. Owen, regular bus rider, said “I can’t believe they rejected this offer. It’s more than most people in this city are getting.”
- “Both sides are being spoiled rotten children,” said John upon hearing talks had broken down again. “They should be taken out to the woodshed and beaten with a switch.”
- “Looks like I’m going to be walking to work for a long time,” one rider was heard to comment.
And then one from the Union:
- “I’m just drooling,” Andre Cornellier told reporters.
- “It’s about maximum disruption and maximum inconvenience to the public,” reminded local president Andre Cornellier.
And voila! You’ve just written the next story about negotiations between the city and ATU 279!
If I’ve missed any options, please feel free to post suggestions below. 🙂