I woke up bright and early this morning and decided to dedicate the day to geocaching.� I found 9 out of 10 caches (the 10th was a micro on an old railway bridge).� I started with a cache near Osgoode and proceeded along the south shore of the Rideau River, stopping at a park near an interchange on the 416 and at Nicholson’s Lock before crossing the river at Merrickville and heading to the chocolate factory in Smiths Falls.� There, I tried to find the micro on the railway bridge to no avail and then headed towards Perth, stopping outside Port Elmsley to find a cache that looked liked a birdhouse.
In Perth, I found a cache near the swinging bridge and then headed north towards Lanark to find numbers 199 and 200.
Cache #200, called Animal Crossing (GCKFTE), was near the end of a dirt road.� At the very end was a gate with a large sign warning that people entering were subject to real-time photography — not quite sure what that was about.� I found the cache fairly easily and released a geoSquid geocoin (TB14EJY) to celebrate my 200th find.� From there, I made my way home, stopping in at the Mount Beckwith Cache (GCN56D), where the bugs were terrible.
All in all, a very good day!