There will be snow. Lots of snow.
It’s been a while since I blogged about anything of significance. The weather in Ottawa is going to be rather exciting over the next day or two.
TAF CYOW 170240Z 1703/1724 07010KT P6SM BKN140 FM170600 07012KT 1 1/2SM -SN OVC025 FM170800 06015KT 3/4SM -SN VV007 FM171300 06015G25KT 1/4SM +SN VV005 PROB40 1713/1716 1/8SM +SN BLSN FM171600 01012KT 1SM -SN OVC008 FM172100 32012KT 2SM -SN OVC010 RMK NXT FCST BY 170600Z
In simple terms, this TAF basically says that Ottawa is going to get snow. A lot of snow. Starting at about 01:00, or in about three hours’ time from now.
Looking at the various models, it looks like the peak is going to be between about 08:30 and 11:00, which is consistent with the bolded line above, which says that from 1300Z (08:00 Eastern) the wind will be 15 knots gusting to 25 knots from the east-northeast. The visibility is forecast to be about a quarter of a mile with a vertical viability of 500′ and heavy snow. And there’s a 40% probability between 1300Z and 1600Z (11:00 Eastern) that the visibility will drop to an eighth of a mile with heavy snow and blowing snow.