gordon.dewis.ca - Random musings from Gordon


Archive for July 23rd, 2006

200th find!

July 23, 2006 @ 18:11 By: gordon Category: Geocaching, Travel bugs

I woke up bright and early this morning and decided to dedicate the day to geocaching.  I found 9 out of 10 caches (the 10th was a micro on an old railway bridge).  I started with a cache near Osgoode and proceeded along the south shore of the Rideau River, stopping at a park near an interchange on the 416 and at Nicholson’s Lock before crossing the river at Merrickville and heading to the chocolate factory in Smiths Falls.  There, I tried to find the micro on the railway bridge to no avail and then headed towards Perth, stopping outside Port Elmsley to find a cache that looked liked a birdhouse.

In Perth, I found a cache near the swinging bridge and then headed north towards Lanark to find numbers 199 and 200.

Cache #200, called Animal Crossing (GCKFTE), was near the end of a dirt road.  At the very end was a gate with a large sign warning that people entering were subject to real-time photography — not quite sure what that was about.  I found the cache fairly easily and released a geoSquid geocoin (TB14EJY) to celebrate my 200th find.  From there, I made my way home, stopping in at the Mount Beckwith Cache (GCN56D), where the bugs were terrible.

All in all, a very good day! 🙂

Bistro 54 in Perth

July 23, 2006 @ 18:09 By: gordon Category: General

frontpagelogo.pngLast night, I went to an Italian restaurant in Perth called Bistro 54, located at 54 Foster Street, with some friends.  The food was absolutely amazing!  The portions were very generous and the prices quite reasonable.  If you’re ever in Perth, you should take time to have dinner there.