gordon.dewis.ca - Random musings from Gordon


Archive for March 2011

Video of Tuesday evening’s ISS pass over Ottawa

March 09, 2011 @ 00:40 By: gordon Category: Astronomy, Out and about, Photography

I headed out Tuesday evening to watch the space shuttle and International Space Station pass overhead. Both of them appeared on schedule and I was able to capture them in some long exposure photos.

About a minute before the ISS disappeared from view I grabbed my Canon SD850IS and captured a short video of the pass. I’m quite happy with the results and have posted the video to YouTube. It’s probably best viewed in full screen mode.

Tuesday evening’s ISS and STS-133 passes

March 08, 2011 @ 16:46 By: gordon Category: Astronomy, Out and about, Photography

I’ve crunched some more precise numbers for this evening’s ISS and STS-133 passes. The times are in UTC, so you need to subtract 5 hours for Eastern Standard time. (Click here to download them in a text file.)

Time (UTCG)                Azimuth (deg)    Elevation (deg)    Range (km)
-----------------------    -------------    ---------------    -----------
9 Mar 2011 00:20:38.123              292                  0    2159.492211
9 Mar 2011 00:21:38.000              287                  4    1765.477591
9 Mar 2011 00:22:38.000              280                  9    1389.558028
9 Mar 2011 00:23:38.000              267                 15    1055.451478
9 Mar 2011 00:24:38.000              244                 22     818.373598
9 Mar 2011 00:25:38.000              209                 24     774.603489
9 Mar 2011 00:26:38.000              180                 18     951.326850
9 Mar 2011 00:27:38.000              164                 11    1258.305207
9 Mar 2011 00:28:38.000              156                  6    1622.294953
9 Mar 2011 00:29:38.000              150                  1    2011.420073
9 Mar 2011 00:29:58.922              149                  0    2150.274764
Time (UTCG)                Azimuth (deg)    Elevation (deg)     Range (km)
-----------------------    -------------    ---------------    -----------
9 Mar 2011 00:20:05.553              292                  0    2159.008371
9 Mar 2011 00:21:05.000              287                  4    1767.294751
9 Mar 2011 00:22:05.000              280                  9    1390.441394
9 Mar 2011 00:23:05.000              268                 15    1054.707599
9 Mar 2011 00:24:05.000              244                 23     814.906252
9 Mar 2011 00:25:05.000              209                 24     768.231806
9 Mar 2011 00:26:05.000              180                 18     943.899552
9 Mar 2011 00:27:05.000              164                 11    1250.970718
9 Mar 2011 00:28:05.000              155                  6    1615.247805
9 Mar 2011 00:29:05.000              150                  1    2004.620053
9 Mar 2011 00:29:27.464              149                  0    2153.829615


Watching the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle Discovery

March 08, 2011 @ 12:34 By: gordon Category: Astronomy, Out and about, Photography

The International Space Station and the Space Shuttle Discovery will be passing over Ottawa the next couple of days and, weather-permitting, there should be a couple of opportunities to see them as they pass overhead.

You won’t need any fancy equipment to view them. They’ll look like a pair of bright dots, one chasing the other across the sky. According to the Heavens Above website, there are three passes between now and Thursday evening that should be visible from Ottawa.

YOURLS WordPress to Twitter Plugin version 1.4.9

March 07, 2011 @ 22:39 By: gordon Category: Meta, WordPress

The author of the YOURLS WordPress to Twitter Plugin has released an update. Presumably, version 1.4.9 will address the brokenness I wrote about a couple of days ago that happened when WordPress 3.1 was released.

If you implemented the solution I wrote about, you should probably upgrade to version 1.4.9.

Cars, bikes and snowbanks

March 07, 2011 @ 12:23 By: gordon Category: General

The recent dump of snow reminded me of a story CBC ran last Friday talking about how some cyclists that ride in the winter have been complaining that there are snowbanks in some bike lanes. This is causing them to have to move into the lanes with the rest of the traffic, which is probably deterring some cyclists. I’m not sure this is a Bad Thing.


Look at what you missed if you were asleep at 2am

March 06, 2011 @ 02:26 By: gordon Category: Weather

The radar was very colourful…XFT radar - 20110306 0200

The roads were slippery and snow covered…


Aren’t you jealous you missed all this because you were asleep?

Fixing the YOURLS plugin so it works under WordPress 3.1

March 05, 2011 @ 11:11 By: gordon Category: Meta, WordPress

I upgraded to WordPress 3.1 at the end of February. Usually, there’s very little breakage, but this time the YOURLS WordPress to Twitter plugin (version 1.4.8) I’ve been using to automatically post a tweet with a shortlink using my dew.is short URL service broke, which was very annoying. I was able to turn turn on the Tweetly Updater plugin as a stop-gap measure, but it uses bit.ly and I really wanted to use my own dew.is.

Browsing through the comments on the author’s website, I came across one from someone else who had managed to track down what appears to be the offending code, so I thought I’d try it out.
