gordon.dewis.ca - Random musings from Gordon


Graduated licensing in Ontario

July 05, 2006 @ 18:57 By: gordon Category: General

Like most people I know, I obtained my driver’s license prior to the implementation of graduated licensing in the province of Ontario. This meant that from the moment I received my license, I was able to drive on 400 series highways at 2am on my own. However, since April 1, 1994, newly licensed drivers have not been able to legally do this because of the graduated licensing system.

Under the graduated licensing scheme, new drivers start a two-step process that takes at least 20 months to complete and must be completed within five years. The system “lets new drivers get driving experience and skills gradually”, according to the MTO. Assuming you’re at least 16 years old, pass a vision test and a knowledge test of the rules of the road and signs, you will receive a Class G1 license.

A Class G1 license allows the holder to drive a vehicle provided that they have no alcohol in their bloodstream, are accompanied by a reasonably sober (less than 0.05%) fully licensed driver who is the only other person in the front seat, but doesn’t allow them on 400-series highways or highspeed expressways such as the QEW, Don Valley, Gardner or a couple of others I’ve never heard of. And, they cannot drive the vehicle between midnight and 5am. If the person sitting next to you is a driving instructor licensed in the province of Ontario, you are allowed to drive on the “prohibited” roads.

You have to hold a G1 license for at least 12 months, unless you’ve passed an approved course in which case you can reduce this to 8 months. After this 8 or 12 month period has passed, you get to try a G1 road test. If you pass it, you get a Class G2 license.

A Class G2 license allows the holder to drive on any road in Ontario without a “co-pilot” provided that they have no alcohol in their bloodstream and do not have more passengers in the vehicle than working seatbelts, which is also a condition for the G1. As of September 1, 2005, there are limits on the number of “young passengers” (19 years old or under) a G2 driver 19 years or under can carry between midnight and 5am. G2 drivers who are 19 years or under who have had a G2 for less than six months can only carry one young passenger. Once they’ve had their G2 for more than six months or turn 20, they can carry three young passengers. There’s an exception to this rule if the passengers are immediate family members or if there’s a fully licensed G driver onboard.

Once you’ve had a G2 for at least a year, you can try a G2 road test, which will give you a full G license if you pass.

You’re probably asking yourself “so what?”.

Well, I’ve noticed over the last few years that the number of drivers on the Queensway who travel along at 80 to 90 km/h has markedly increased since I got my license under the old system in the mid- to late-80’s. I have been speculating that this is a result of the graduated licensing system. Drivers who have been driving on a G1 for a year or two probably haven’t had a whole lot of experience driving at speeds in excess of 80 km/h. When they finally graduate to a G2 license, they are able to drive on roads with speed limits 25% higher than they’re used to. Consequently, they tend to drive in their comfort zone, rather than at the 100 km/h speed limit found on 400 series highways and highspeed expressways. I don’t have any empirical data to support this, of course, just a gut feeling based on a steadily increasing incidence of drivers travelling below the speed limit, primarily on the 417 in Ottawa, when 100 km/h is appropriate to the road and weather conditions.

The Ministry of Transportation’s website claims that the graduated licensing system has been a “resounding success” and reduced death and injury among new drivers. Their research also shows a link between the number of teenage passengers onboard and the likelihood of a serious or even fatal collision, with new teenage drivers being nearly three times as likely to experience such a collision. That’s why the G2 has restrictions on when and how many young passengers a G2 driver can carry.

I have no doubts that the graduated licensing system has indeed had an impact on the accident rates for new drivers. But at the same time, I believe it’s producing drivers who are less confident in driving at 400 series/expressway speeds, which has potentially significant ramifications to other drivers on these roads. Drivers who drive below the speed the rest of the traffic is moving at are just as dangerous as those who weave in and out of traffic. They lead to other drivers having to break unexpectedly for no reason other than they’re travelling too slowly.

What I’d like to see are some statistics correlating driving speed on a 400 series/expressway, license class and years that class has been held. I think the real story would emerge then. Perhaps some sort of voluntary black-box vehicle tracking system which was excluded from being used against the driver if they did get stopped for some moving violation, would allow statistics to be gathered on driving habits and new drivers.

If the statistics on young drivers and teenage passengers are true, then I would have no problems with restrictions similar to those in the G2 license being in force if the graduated system were scrapped. At most, it would inconvenience new young drivers for a couple of years.

168 Responses to “Graduated licensing in Ontario”

  1. stef says:

    this is my situation, i was about to book my G2 test, but my G1 was revoked due to a ticket that wasnt paid off in time. i recently did my G1 over again and was wondering if i have to wait 12 months to get my G2 or can i book it now?

  2. gordon says:

    Hi Stef…

    That’s a good question. I suspect that if you had to take a new G1 test that you’ve re-entered the system from the beginning so you’ll probably have to wait 12 months. I believe you can lower that to 8 months if you take an approved training course. Your best bet would be to talk to MTO because it’s not a simple situation.

    Good luck!

  3. kiki says:

    you are wrong about reinstating your license, if your g2 expires and you have to start all over again the rules for having to wait in between your g1 and g2 do not count you can take your g1 and then your road test the next day there is no time in which you have to wait.
    you may want to start telling ppl that instead of telling them the wrong answer every time.

  4. gordon says:

    Hi Kiki…

    I based that on my interpretation of the information I could find from the MTO. If I’m wrong, then mea culpa. I’d be interested in a reference that clarifies this if you can provide one.

    However, as I state quite frequently, people should check with the MTO because I’m not an authoritative source of information on this, nor am I a lawyer.

  5. TIM says:

    yes im 35 years old and lost my licence a few years ago for failure to pay fines, when i went back into pay i was told i had to start over in the graduated licence, i was not happy but i did do and got my g1, not i was told that i can do my g2 test faster than normal cause i had my g for years before this happened. the mto seems to have a different story for every person i talk to
    do you know if i can do the steps at and accelerated pace because i was a g driver before?

  6. misty says:

    What would happen if you didnt have your G1’s but you were driving a friends car just on a back road, and got into an accident, no other vehicules were involved and no one was hurt. what would happen?

  7. gordon says:

    Hi Misty…

    Well, I imagine that you would probably be charged with driving without a license. If the police determine that speed, alcohol, drugs or other things were a factor then I’m sure there would be additional charges. Your friend’s insurance almost certainly wouldn’t cover the damage and I wouldn’t be surprised if their rates went up as a result. If you don’t report the accident to the police then there could be additional problems if they find out.

    So, it could be very expensive for the driver and the owner.

  8. Kim says:

    I am 18 yrs old and got a speeding ticket…113 km in an 80 km zone. I wasnt doing 113…yes I was speeding…I was doing 90 km. Is it worth taking this to court? I got a fine of $238 and 4 points…What will happen when the insurance company finds out?

  9. gordon says:

    Hi Kim…

    If you really weren’t going as fast as they clocked you, you should probably consider it, particularly if you had a passenger who can corroborate your story that you were travelling at 90 km/h. Worst case scenario is that the judge doesn’t believe you and sends you away with the original fine. Hopefully, he’ll reduce the fine and points. If speeding ticket forms are like parking ticket forms, there’s probably instructions on the back telling you how to appeal and what the time limits are.

    I should point out I am not a lawyer, so you should probably seek more qualified advice before undertaking anything.

    Good luck!

  10. gordon says:

    Oh, and with respect to your insurance, I imagine it would have an impact, but only your company could tell you for sure.

    But you might want to hold off on asking them until you sort the situation out. 😉

  11. rose says:

    If you drive with your G1 alone and with no insurance, what will the police do if u get pulled over??

  12. gordon says:

    Hi Rose…

    If you scroll up to about comment #23, you’ll find my reply to almost exactly the same question asked just above it. Basically, it could probably turn into a non-trivial fine and probably license suspension, too.

    Note: I am not a lawyer, so you should check with one before relying on my interpretation of this.

  13. maya says:

    I have my G1 and got pulled over while driving alone and resulted in getting my liscense suspended for 30 days. Am I still eligible to enroll in driver’s education and may I still get my G2?

  14. gordon says:

    Hi maya…

    Do you mean while it’s suspended or afterwards?

    If you’ve served your suspension and met any additional conditions that may have been imposed then I don’t see why you can’t proceed. I’d even venture to suggest that enrolling in driver’s ed might be an excellent idea if your license was suspended. 😉

    However, you should probably check with the MTO to confirm this.

    Good luck!

  15. maya says:

    Ok thanks! And one other thing..
    If my liscence was suspended, do I have to start all over and wait another full 8 months to get my g2?

  16. gordon says:

    That I don’t know. I didn’t have to go through the graduated licensing system and I’ve never had my license suspended so I can’t help you out there. For that you definitely need to check with the MTO. If you do, let us know what they say.


  17. Juana says:

    hi. did someone get the G license in Aurora? Did somebody remember the route? Many thanks in advance.

  18. Melissa says:


    If I go take my g1 test and fail it the first time, is there a fee to retake the test??


  19. Liz says:


    Is there any exception to getting my G class licence before the 1 yr after getting my G2. I’ve had my G2 for 6 months now but a Job requirement is asking that I have a G class licence. Are there any exceptions? Can I get my G before the 1 yr ?


  20. Roberta says:

    Hi there,

    I am the mother of two young drivers. Both have taken the drivers course. One is female; the other is male. My son is a year older than his sister. He has had his G1 for a year longer than his sister. She recently successfully graduated to a G2. I don’t drive. My son is penalized for simply being male. Insurance costs are prohibitive. He cannot afford these prices so he is held back. At least with a G1 he can continue to drive with a fully licensed driver at his side to gain the experience he needs. Why in the world can’t the insurance be extended with a G2 if the young driver continues to drive with an experienced driver. I simply don’t understand this. I agree that the insurance should be required if they are driving alone. Otherwise let them continue to drive with supervision. What do you think?


  21. Deven says:

    Melissa, I do believe the price for re-taking your test is $10 and you can a passing mark is at least 16/20.

    I’m going for my G2 road test tomorrow and hope I pass it! I’m doing it in Orangeville and a lot of people say this is the best place to do it in Ontario. So I will let you all know!

  22. Emma says:

    Hey, i’m sure this question has been answered before, I did my best but couldn’t find a clear answer among all the comments.
    Anyways my G1 expired while I was overseas, so I plan to go and take the test again, but do I have to wait the 12 month… 8 month mandatory period, or can I book my g2 test right away?
    Any feedback is appreciated!

  23. Robyn K says:


    My name is Robyn. I completed my 5 years of G2, and then while away, it expired ( it’s been 3 years expired now). Do I have to go back to the beginning again, must I wait before taking a G2 again?? or even G???


  24. Teena says:

    hi. i am a g1 driver and i have been suspended twice. I was wondering if i could still take my test one year after the first day i got it or one year from the time my last suspension was over.


  25. gordon says:

    @Robyn: Did you obtain your G? If you had a G and it expired 3 years ago, you might be able to renew it. Check with the MTO and then post what you find out. Good luck!

  26. gordon says:

    Hi Teena…

    You may find the one year period has been extended by however long your G1 was suspended for. They should be able to tell you when you book your test. I’d be sure to ask them before booking the test so that they don’t book a test you’re not entitled to take yet.

  27. Sara says:

    Question…there was a mis communication with family responsibilty..thet suspended my license before i got a chance to go for my G…and it did not get sorted out until after my 5 year expiration….so would i have to start from right down to beginners again????? or will they let me start of where they suspended me…its been a while…i am hoping i do not have to go through graduating licencing again….i think they should let me take my ‘G’

  28. Ernie says:


    I have my G1. Recently, I was driving out past 12 with my friends and we got pulled over. I ended up receiving 3 tickets for being without licensed driver, front seat passanger and unlawful hours.

    A few days later, a small emergency came … and I was the only person with a car at some sort of party and a girl wasn’t feeling too well, and she had to get home. I ended up driving her home, but on the way there I passed through R.I.D.E. and they asked for my driver’s license and they saw I only had my G1 and I received the exact same tickets again.

    What suggestions do you have for what I should do next. Should I plead guilty with an explanation for all 6? and hope that they lower the fines, and don’t go over-crazy on the demerit points. If I do ended up getting convicted on all of them, and receive more than 9 demerit points… would my license still be only suspended for 60 days or however long it is, and when I’d get it back the demerit points would be reduced to 4? As well, when I do end up getting my G2, after going through driving school, and apply for insurance, I can expect for my rates to be doubled or even tripled, do you think it might be even more? (I wasn’t driving wrecklessly or dangerously at all). Plus, if my demerit points would be only 4, it wouldn’t be as bad … right ? I dunno, if you could provide me with any help… it’d be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

  29. Samantha says:

    Please Help Me!!!
    I currently have my g2,
    my liscence expires aug 27th of 2009.
    I am soo scared. I do not do well at all on the highway, I mean i barely drive on it. they should have a liscense for people who only do in town driving. that would bfair.

    Anyway all that to say, do you have any advice. I know im not gurenteed to pass but im freakin’ out here…

  30. gordon says:

    Hi Samantha…

    The best advice I can offer is to book some time with an instructor and work with him or her to gain more confidence on the highways. You have about a year to get up to speed, so to speak, with driving at highway speeds and I’m confident some time with an instructor will help.

    Good luck!

  31. Shelly says:

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knew what the time limitation is for rewriting a failed writtenpart of the g1 test? My hubby wrote one a month ago and failed…i know..i know..lol but was wondering must he rewrite it in a certain time frame? Thank you so much!!!

  32. Razeen says:

    Hi, I just wanted to know how much demerit points do I gain for driving with a G1 license without a G driver in the passenger seat? I also would like to know how many demerit points do i gain for going 15km over the speed limit, not having my insurance card, and not having my vehicle permit. And yes I got all these tickets in one day. I am taking these tickets to court because I know the insurance card, and vehicle permit I’m innocent for because those are all stored in my other car. Thank you, I would appreciate your advice on this.

  33. aida says:

    Hi, I have a G1 and I got 3 tickets 1-No rear left light 2- Driving alone with a G1 3- Driving at 1:30 Am alone with G1 only. I got the date for court today. I already have a G2, have a better car and a proper insurance. What will happen with my insurance rate after my court date? It is advisable to fight the tickets with one of this companies that offer to lower or dismiss the charges? Please help.

  34. lilian says:

    Hi, I want to know if I have to do a new road test. My driver license expired about 4-5 years ago. I did not drive for all this time. I got injured at work. Now I want to drive again. I am 36 years old. Please let me know.

  35. gordon says:

    Hi Aida…

    The first question you need to ask is whether you were driving alone without a rear left light, at 1:30 in the morning when you had your G1. If the answer is “yes”, then there isn’t any reason, in my opinion, for you to not take responsibility for it. If you show up and plead guilty and explain that you’ve learned from the experience and have gotten a better car and better insurance (you didn’t mention whether you were insured at the time, but I assume you were since you didn’t mention it), my guess is that the judge will treat you much more kindly than if you show up and plead not guilty when you really were. Personally, I am of the belief that if you knowingly “did the crime”, even if it wasn’t done maliciously, you should own up to it. I was a witness in a traffic case once and I noticed that those defendants who plead guilty generally fared better than those who plead not guilty when it was clear they were.

    As far as your insurance goes, that will probably depend on what you end up receiving in terms of punishment. If it’s just a cash fine with no points, I would be surprised if it had a huge impact on your rates. If there are demerit points, I would expect there might be an impact.

    Regardless of which route you choose to follow, please come back and let me know how it went. Good luck!

    Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and you should probably talk to one before your court date.

  36. gordon says:

    Hi Lilian…

    I checked the MTO’s website and found this:

    You can renew an expired driver’s licence, without taking tests, within one year of the licence expiry date.

    If a driver’s licence has been invalid (expired, cancelled or suspended) for more than one, but fewer than three years, you must visit a DriveTest centre to complete a vision test. If your licence has invalid for more than three years, you must pass vision, knowledge and road tests. If your licence has been invalid for over three years but not more than 10 years, you have to reapply under Graduated Licensing at a DriveTest centre—the mandatory waiting periods are waived. If your licence has been invalid for over ten years, you have to reapply under graduated licensing at a DriveTest centre and serve all the mandatory waiting periods.

    So, it sounds like you have to go through the Graduated Licensing system, but at least you don’t have to endure the mandatory waiting periods. (Naturally, you should confirm this with the MTO since they’re the ultimate authority in this matter.)

    Good luck!

  37. gordon says:

    Hi Razeen…

    My response is probably going to be similar to that I gave Aida. If the law says you have to have proof of insurance with you and the vehicle permit in the car and you didn’t then I’m not sure what on grounds you can appeal the tickets. The bigger concern for the judge is probably going to be the fact that you did not have a class G holder in the passenger seat combined with the fact that you were going 15 km/h over the limit.

    A quick glance at the MTO’s demerit point chart suggests that none of what you’re being charged with will earn you demerit points. Points for speeding don’t appear to be issued until you’re charged with going 16 km/h or more over the limit.

    My advice would be to show you really are a responsible new driver who made an error in judgement and accept responsibility for what you did. If you “waste” the court’s time by contesting the charges the judge may choose not to cut you slack.

    Good luck and let me know what you end up doing!

    Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and you should probably talk to one before your court date.

  38. gordon says:

    Hi Shelly…

    I had a quick look at the MTO’s website and I wasn’t able to find anything concerning a minimum waiting period before attempting the written test again. The office where he took the test should be able to tell him how long he has to wait. Personally, I wouldn’t try it again without some more prep to avoid failing it a second time.

    Good luck to your husband! 🙂

  39. Brian S. says:

    October 24
    Hi Gordon,

    Can you appeal a G1 Exit driving test that you failed?

    I have been driving since 1964 with a clean record, but my licence was suspended for medical reasons 6 years ago. I have since been given a clean medical record and I am going through the process of the graduated licence system.

    Yesterday I sat my test which started at 9.30am and I was marked as failed at 9.33am the actual written quote from the summary is written below. It was stated on the explanation that she gave me 3 verbal warnings (I can remember only 2 warnings) that \"the speed limit is 60km\" all this within a 0.6 km stretch of road before the next instruction to turn left.

    The first verbal warning I misunderstood and thought the examiner was stating that I was going to fast. After checking my speedometer I increased my speed to just below 60km. From the passenger side it is difficult to read my speedometer accurately. The second warning using the same phrase just did not make sense, then I was given the instruction to turn left at the next turn.

    I was also informed that by being in the left lane I was forcing traffic to pass on the right. I could not move to the right lane because of traffic turning in to a shopping area. After I passed the shopping area entrance, a car turned out of the shopping area into the right lane which prevented me from moving over. After I got the instruction to turn left I put my signal on of my intention to turn left and that was when the car that came out of the shopping area passed me in the right lane.

    On the record of the examination in the Summary reasons for disqualification, under the Box Speed (fast / slow) slow is underlined. In the Dangerous Action area was written;
    \" (v) 9.33 E/B (name of road) in L/Lane 40/60km 1st v/warning. Cont. @50/60km 2 more v/warnings still maintains 50km forcing o/t to pass on @right\".

    I tried to discuss the comments with the examiner to get some detail but she left the car and I tried to up talk to her as she was going back to the office to get clarification but I was ignored.

    I went into the Drive Test office and ask to speak to someone about it but the senior examiner was going to be out all day. I called when I got home about 11.00 but could only leave a message so someone could call me back. It is now 2.00pm the next day and still no call back.

    Am I wasting my time trying to appeal, I am also concerned that by making my appeal known it could cause me problems when I retake my test.

    Any advice you can offer will be appreciated

  40. gordon says:

    Hi Brian…

    I honestly don’t know whether you can appeal the test. I would imagine that it would become harder to appeal it the longer you wait because recollections of events on both the examiner’s part and your’s will become less distinct. The fact that the examiner didn’t give you a more detailed briefing after the test is a little surprising as it is something that I would expect in such a situation.

    In any event, from your description and the reasons described on the form it sounds like there might be a couple of areas you could work on in order to ace the test next time. Rather than spend the energy on appealing the test, which I suspect wouldn’t be successful, it might be more productive (and less frustrating) to book a little time with an instructor to help get you back up to speed. See if you can find an instructor who has some experience with mature drivers returning to the road and have him/her take you through a couple of simulated tests. Another thing to consider would be booking your next test somewhere a little less busy as it sounds like those were factors working against you at the time (though they are factors that you’ll have to content with once you have your full G in a few months).

    I didn’t go through the graduated system so I’m not familiar with the format of the test, but I assume there’s a short pre-test discussion with the examiner where they outline how the test will proceed. This might be an opportunity to mention that you’ve heard the odometer in your car can be tricky to read from the side, but don’t push the matter and definitely don’t bring up your previous test. Leave it in the past and focus on the task at hand, namely proving to the examiner that you still have the necessary skills to move on to the G2.

    I can imagine the frustration of someone in your situation, but I really wouldn’t let it get you down. The fact that you’re getting back on the road after an involuntary absence before which you’d been driving for many years is quite impressive and I have no doubt that you’ll have your full G in good order.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes! 🙂

  41. Brian S says:

    Hi Gordon,

    Re Can you appeal a G1 Exit driving test that you failed?

    Follow up to the above, received a call fron The Drivetest centre supervisorsi I was able voice my concerns about the road test. The end result was I met with him this morning and discussed my test score sheet with him. He gave me another road test and I received a perfect score and received my licence. I was satisfied just to be given the opportunity to voice my concerns and I think the centre supervisor was very fair in how he responded. So all in all a happy ending.

  42. gordon says:

    Hey, congratulations, Brian!

    Sounds like you had a pretty good day!

    How long until you do the G2 exit?

  43. SUNNY says:

    hi, i am 15 right now and have been waiting to drive for years, i will be 16 in a couple of days

    1) if i get caught driving alone, and tell the officer i forgot my Licence and i have no id on me, and say my friends name that has a g2 and looks a little bit like me, what will happen?

    2) Is it possible that i can a pay the fine and keep my licence?

    3) i will be driving under my parents car and they have insurance on it what will happen?

  44. gordon says:

    Hi Sunny…

    If you read through the comments other people have posted, you’ll find a couple from young drivers who have been stopped by the police when they were driving alone with only a G1, particularly around comment #25. In a nutshell, it’s not worth it.

    Providing false information to the police about your identity would be an incredibly stupid thing to do. If the police were to accept the story that you are your friend who has a G2 at the side of the road, they probably would ask you to present yourself and your G2 license at the police station within 24 hours. What do you do at that point?

    Also, when they run the plates and they run the name you’ve provided them, they’ll notice they’re different and probably start asking more questions to figure out who they are.

    In short: Don’t lie to the police.

    With respect to your parents’ insurance, you might find that the insurance wouldn’t cover you if you go driving alone with a G1. The fine for driving without insurance is huge and this could affect your parents’ insurance, too.

    Frankly, Sunny, the fact that you’re even considering this before you have your G1 suggests to me that you need to do a little more growing up before you start driving. Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you don’t follow the rules concerning driving, people can be hurt or even killed. And even if you don’t end up hurting/killing someone, the effects of screwing up can haunt you for the rest of your life.

    Sorry if this sounds a little harsh, but you’re asking about some very serious things which I hope you don’t ever do.

    Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, so you should talk to one first to confirm things.

  45. Theresa says:

    Hi, I am looking for a loop hole in the graduate driving system. I am almost 40 and because I could never afford a car did not get my licence until i was in my mid thirties which of course meant that the graduated program came in. I do not like the highways around here as a passenger and have no intention of being a driver on them. So this means every five years i have to pay and test for my g2 again! I think as a responsible adult i should have the right to choose not to drive on the highways and still be able to get my G. I have never had any kind of ticket, not even a parking ticket, so why do i have to be treated as a child. This is a very frusterating system for me. Any thoughts?

  46. gordon says:

    Hi Teresa…

    I can understand your frustration, but I don’t think there is a loop hole. It would probably be in your interest to get your full G license, but that’s going to mean driving on the highways. Booking some time with an instructor might help alleviate your concerns about driving on the highways where you live.

  47. Aaron says:

    I’m 32, I got a impaired five years ago. My license was suspended for a year. I didn’t bother getting it back because I didn’t feel I was ready to get it back. Now I want to drive again and I got to start over again from the beginning. Do you know I there is a way I can go straight for G2 or G without waiting a year. I feel I should not have to wait the 12 months, since I’ve drove for over ten years previous. What would I learn from driving with someone I could possible have more experience than. I honestly feel I should be able to do my G license test and go on my way. Have you ever heard of a possible meeting a the bureau and getting around that.

    • gordon says:

      Hi Aaron…

      I don’t think there really are ways to get around the graduated licensing system. You may be able to avoid the mandatory year as a G1 since you were a previously licensed driver. The MTO should be able to tell you definitively whether this is possible.

      There are things that a driver with less experience that is more current might be able to teach you and if you do have to do a road test, I wouldn’t go into it with the attitude that it’s all a waste of time because that might work against you. You (presumably) haven’t driven in 5 years. Skills do degrade over time so some time with an instructor would help refresh those skills and also make sure that you’re up to speed on any changes to the Highway Traffic Act that may have come into effect since you last drove.

      Good luck!

  48. amanda says:

    Hi I have had my G1 licence for 3 1/2 years, I am just starting my driver’s education course and driving lessons today. I am hoping to go for my G2 in March or April. At that time i will still have 14months to get my full g. I know i have to wait a minimum of one year until i can do my test for a g licence. Even if I only have my g licence for a very short period before my licence expires will it still be valid? I just dont want to start all over again. I am under the understanding that as long as i have a full G no matter for how long before my licence expires i will be able to renew it at the G level…
    Thank you!

  49. Here\'s how you do it.... says:


    There is a loophole for the GDL. However, it depends on how much trouble you\’re willing to go through.

    Personally, I believe the GDL program wasn\’t created with the sole intention of reducing fatality crash rates among young drivers.

    It also serves to supplement government income by increasing the costs to obtain a driver\’s license ($30 for first road test and $75 for second test). The failure rates for the final road test are close to 50%, meaning, of course, another $75 for the government for those on the unlucky side of 50%. Quite a cash cow.

    Bob Rae along with the car insurance industry pushed hard for the GDL programme, citing that it would dramatically reduce the number of accidents for new drivers. When the system was finally implemented, the government asked the car insurance industry to lower their premiums since drivers under the GDL would, in theory, become safer drivers. The industry responded by claiming that there is no proof that Graduated Licensing would reduce crash rates. You can see what a fiasco it turned out to be.

    As for the loophole; the answer is to take the test in Manitoba, a province that still operates under the old system. It is $10 for the 365 (if they still call it that) written test and $25 for the road test. The road test is 15 minutes long and doesn\’t involve highway driving (just like under the old system in Ontario).

    You will also not be required to wait for extended periods in between test attempts unlike in Ontario as well. Whether you are actually required to have a Manitoba address or not, I\’m unsure, but it shouldn\’t be a difficult obstacle to overcome either way.

    Once you receive your new license. You have to abstain from driving for at least 2 years (unless you\’re in Manitoba) as you cannot obtain a full G license in Ontario without further testing until you have spent 2 years driving in another Canadian province for that period of time.

    As I said, it all depends on how much trouble you\’re willing to go through but if you\’re not in any hurry, you\’ll pay a lot less and you won\’t be subjected to the G road test.

  50. gordon says:

    Given that the vast majority of the population of Ontario does not live anywhere near Manitoba, this is hardly a viable option, and in Theresa’s case wouldn’t address the fact that she’s not comfortable about driving on highways.

    Besides, it would be a very bad idea to get a learning permit from Manitoba and then not drive for 2 years. Respecting the system in Ontario would allow the prospective driver to practice and hone their skills as they go through the graduated system in Ontario.

    I stand by my original advice to her, which was to book some time with an instructor in order to over come her highway issues.

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