Magic smoke and dust bunnies
When I got up this morning and checked my email, I thought I smelled a faint hint of that acrid smell that means that the “magic smoke” has escaped from something electronic. I checked everything and all seemed ok, so I figured it was something that had wafted in from outside. When I got home, I quickly determined that the magic smoke had escaped from the power supply in the Linux server that runs Asterisk (my VoIP server), the DHCP server for my network and one of the DNS servers. So most of the things on my network at home weren’t happy because they didn’t know who they were because the DHCP and DNS servers were down. I don’t think it was down for that long because the last entry in my Asterisk server’s CDR was 15:40 localtime when I called in to check my voicemail and I got home around 17:15. Fortunately, my local computer store is open late and I was able to get a new power supply and had everything back up and running by about 19:00.