Intelligence vs. Appearance
In a previous entry, I talked about the Everybody Votes Channel on the Nintendo Wii. I checked mine recently and noticed that more results had been posted. One that caught my eye was this one:
Question: Would you rather be…
20 IQ points smarter | 20 lbs. lighter | |
Canada | 68.7% | 31.3% |
Male | 73.2% | 26.8% |
Female | 57.4% | 42.6% |
National Prediction Accuracy: 54.2% (how many people guessed which would be more popular)
It’s interesting that of those who responded to the question, almost 50% more females than males said they want to be 20 pounds lighter than 20 IQ points smarter. Is appearance really that much more important than intelligence?
Every time you see yet-another-tartlet on TV, you can think of this post and remind yourself that western culture selects women based on looks, not smarts. Big tits and a pretty face will get her farther, faster and easier than a big ass and a pretty brain.
Or, is this saying that women are typically smarter, and therefore are more confident in their IQ? That said, I personally am fairly intelligent, but who couldn’t use an extra 20 IQ points (plus I’m thin). 😉
Actually, looks AND intelligence will get you ahead. Looks without anything behind them may get you a job at Hooters, but it won’t make you a CEO.